Friday, February 4, 2011

Whaleback Improvements/Fundraising

All photos courtesy of Scott Harding
I'd like to pass along some info regarding the ongoing improvements to Whaleback (near Mt. Shasta, California) and the need for additional funding to make the project successful.  I've been in contact with Scott H. of the Rogue Valley HG/PG club and he indicates that many generous donations from clubs and individuals have helped the club approach their goals for the launch site and LZ improvement projects.  They have applied for a matching funds grant from the Foundation for Free Flight and will make their presentation to the FFF in the next week or two.  

Click photo for larger version
Photo by Scott Harding
I've never flown this site, but hope to this season.  The conditions are very conducive to long XCs that cover beautiful pristine scenery.  The project will improve the launch area by enlarging the set-up area considerably and providing a larger launch area and a launch towards the SW. Your donations go to one of the most active clubs, when it comes to site improvement/relations in the US.  For complete information, and a link to make donations, visit: 

The Future configuration of Whaleback launch
Please consider donating funds to this project, if only to guarantee the site's future and your ability to fly the site in the future. Donations from the community are the only way such a project can succeed.

Donations made in the next week or two will count towards the hoped for FFF matching grant.
Please do your part to improve this amazing site.


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