- Am I really ready for this?
- Do I have the skills necessary to participate?
- Do I have all the equipment necessary?
- How the heck do I set this equipment up?
- Will I embarrass myself?
- What gear do I need to carry besides the basics?
- What's the schedule going to be for the warm-up?
- What's the schedule for a normal XC day?
- How the heck do I make it around a task?
- Will I even have fun? Is it all worth it?
- All the questions you see above will be answered during the weekend, but you can and *should* try to get a head start by doing a little preparation. Read the following reference materials and you will have a good handle on many of the unknowns -
- Do the required registration and waivers before arriving at the site.
- Show up rested, gear prepared, batteries charged, waypoints loaded, and ON TIME.
I wrote up a guide for the new XC pilot four years ago and have it available for download at https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.biggovtsucks.com%2Fdocs%2FParaglider_Competitions.pdf
Have a look at Jug's website http://santacruzparagliding.com/NCXC/firsttimers.html and http://santacruzparagliding.com/NCXC/strategies.html for additional information and tips regarding task flying, GPS setup, and League organization.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the hill!
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