2014 NorCal League Competition Schedule

Provisional Dates and Locations. Final details to be given during the week before the event. For details on the flying site, click on the site name.
We are hoping that we can get into Tollhouse this year but as always there are lots of issues involved. Whaleback is hitting the calendar as a provisiobnal meet venue. If issues with Whaleback get sorted out and the road is clear of snow we will be heading that way. Please stay tuned using the yahoo groups to make sure you do not miss out if we change venues.
March 29th and 30th Potato Hill
April 26th and 27th Dunlap
May 17th and 18th Potato Hill
June 7th and 8th Dunlap
July 26th and 27th TBD or Whaleback*
August 9th and 10th TBD or Whaleback
September 30th, 31st August and 1st September Whaleback
October September 27th, 28th and 29th
4th, 5th and 6th
Owens Valley
* Whaleback might still have snow in early July. Amount of snow on launch will dictate if we go to Whaleback this weekend. There will be a maximum of 2 events at Whaleback this year. Actual venues to be determined as site accessibilty becomes apparent.