A new SPOT promotion is now available that will, again, provide the present SPOT hardware essentially free for the price of the services. The rub is that SPOT is now asking for a 2-year subscription to qualify for the $150 rebate. Should you make the commitment at this time? Well here's my take on it. . .
The present Spot unit is quite adequate. I use my SPOT unit in three circumstances:

These improvements address some of the 'limitations' of the 'old' unit. I, however, believe that the old unit is adequate for the basic catastrophic insurance that is my primary reason for carrying a SPOT.
So, should you upgrade to the new unit?
If you are a 'gadget-guy' who needs to have the latest & greatest - maybe.
If the unit is much better at sending messages under a canopy of trees - probably.
If the unit price isn't too much more - (I think the price point is $150 to $200)
Will I? Not for a bit. If you don't have a SPOT yet and have decided to get one, I'd think about the 2-yr. FREE SPOT Deal. I imagine that you will have the option of applying your subscription to the new unit in the future if you decide later to upgrade.
Hopefully I'll get to try one out when they become available.
Fly Safe -
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