The conditions didn't develop until just before the 2:30 start time so many were struggling prior to the start. I was fortunate to get a couple nice climbs in the 35 minutes I had to survive before the start. I was in a good position for the start, but not as high as I would have liked. Because I am unfamiliar with the local wx and strategy I was very happy to let about 12 gliders pave the way for me as I headed South along the range. I was able to contact a very nice thermal a couple of K's from the first turnpoint, then headed in to make the point. When I returned to the front range for the return to launch I had no idea that the headwind component, coupled with a large area of oppressive sink, would stop us in our tracks.

Once on the ground we did the normal commiserating and were greeted by a couple of young, local girls named Caitlin and Kirstin. They asked the normal wuffo questions and were a treat to talk to.

MANY were down in the first 40 minutes of the task - I'd estimate that no more than 15-20 made it back to launch. The last leg had a tailwind but had a sketchy stretch over the flats that may make it tough to get to goal.
Scores will be HERE.
Tomorrow looks like the top-of-climb will be higher. If the winds cooperate we may have a longer task.
Sounds like it is going to be a great week for all of you! Thinking of you!
Nice work Tim, sounds like a tough day (not completely valid), I see many talented pilots near the bottom of the scoring. Beautiful shot of the terrain though. Good luck tomorrow and I hope the weather just gets better and better!
Tim, What is your SPOT url?
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