Monday, February 4, 2008

Another Day in OZ

Yesterday Dave & I were able to get a short flight in at Mt. Borah. The weather continues to be quite unsettled & a trough promises to bring wet weather to the majority of Eastern Australia. At the moment, there are scattered showers, some with solid rain in Manilla. The forecast for this area is not encouraging. T-Storms with widespread showers are forecast for the next 4 days. I’ve checked the weather forecast for Bright (about 8-10 hours South of Manilla) and am encouraged that partly cloudy skies are forecast for Wed.-Thursday. The plan, as of now, is to head South to Bright in the morning.
So here we sit, with pilots from all over the world, in one of the best XC spots with our wings in the bag & a good book in hand. . .
I’ve found a few more photos from our time in Killarney to post - The first is a spectacular sunset display. The photo isn’t enhanced to make it look better – no need.

Click for larger image

The second is my dog friend Storm relaxing in his hammock. He was the kind of dog that was a clown when he wasn’t tearing stuff up.
I hope everybody is enjoying their adventures as much as David & I are.

1 comment:

Jen Manuele said...

beautiful sunsets Dad! and what a good bobo storm is! miss you.