Saturday, May 2, 2009

U.S. Nationals - Dunlap, CA - Day Five - Task Canceled

Prefrontal conditions obvious at breakfast. We hustled up to launch hoping to get a short task in before theskies opened up - We almost pulled it off.

A task was called down to Orosi then back to the pizza place at Squaw Valley. About 40k if I remember correctly. The rain gods won this one & quite a few guys got wet, either while flying or packing up. When the task was called a bunch of guys were nearing Orosi.

The weather events allowed us all to get to camp early enough to blow off some built up steam. The margaritas were expertly prepared by Steve Forslund which made the comp experience complete.

It's Sat. morning and the skies look good for one more task today - I love post frontal conditions in this area so it should be a fun day.

More to come -


1 comment:

SusanK said...

Good flying timo! I think you did great in challenging conditions. Thanks for the blogs!